
Every family desires children, but some individuals face concerns. Some people know why they cannot give birth or become pregnant, while do not, please. It doesn't matter whether you know or not. God's acts are beyond human understanding. I prayed with several women in Africa years ago, many with children. Though I cannot remember all of them, I recall a boy named Wonder. He was born in 2000 to a mother who had never been pregnant and was considered over-aged. We met at church while she was living with her second husband and became closer as I ministered to her with scripture. She eventually gave birth to her child.

As a believer, all our prayers were answered by God. It was as if the Lord Himself had given us the assignment, and miraculous things happened. I am confident that God has commissioned our Ministry, and greater grace will spread across our assignment. God remembers those properly married - a man and a woman as husband and wife. In the first part of "Hear My Cry, O Lord," He promises to wipe away their tears. If you can attend this meeting, God might have designed your fruitfulness, and by next year, you will return to thank God.

Please note the following:
* Attendance is free, but registration is compulsory.
* This is an instructed program, and it is interdenominational.
* Participants are to dress modestly and moderately.
* It shall be appreciated if you can wait on the Lord on this day with no food, water, or coffee before coming because we shall be taking communion at a particular point in the service.
* Absolute faith and concentration are needed.
* God has the ability and power to deliver our miracles at the same time and day, but we are separated by our faith.
* There is no need to come without faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Come with a portion of bread and a small juice drink for your communion.
* Communion shall not be served on that day from the altar.
* Come with your communion ingredients.
* Jesus broke the bread.
* We shall do it according to instructions to get the expected results.
* This is a solemn assembly, and we should treat it as one.
* This shall be an annual event.
* God has commanded us to run five events according to Acts 10:38. This is one of the five programs.
* Do not forget to register.
* It is compulsory, please.
* You can use the QR code on the flier or this page.